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Carissa's Reflection
Saturday, February 5, 2011

oh gosh it was so fun. =D
We first went to see a show on how scientists think the dinosaurs became extinct. it also had special effetcs which was very cool. They also had a HUGE exhibition on dinosaur fossils and bones which was amazing. Finally, the RIDES. I had so much fun in them. and went from rides that spun 180 degrees to those that spun 360 degrees. I would have never tried them if I was in Singapore but I blame it all on adrenaline rush. =D I don't regret doing that. Although it would have been more fun if my other friends had enjoyed it too. Some of us went shopping and then our last dinner. We got to try the famous dishes and enjoyed it VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH. =D well.i did. =D

1:35 PM | back to top

Nick's Reflection
Friday, February 4, 2011

We went to dinosaur valley today! I would say that this was the best day. We visited the museum and took many pictures of dinosaur fossils and bone structures. I was amazed at the different fossils and dinosaur species. We then went to the theme park to play! We had rides together and we all screamed together. Unfortunately, some of my friends were sick after taking the rides. Some vomited and others were shivering. We then went for a little shopping and then dinner.

9:11 PM | back to top

This was the day that I longed for. We went to the dinosaur valley. Actually I am not interested in the fossils of the dinosaurs, the thing that I am waiting for was the rides. We were having fun there and maybe I might go again as I love the rides.

9:11 PM | back to top

Wen Zhao's Reflection
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It’s the second last day being in China. We went to the Dinosaur valley and saw lots of specimens and fossils of dinosaur there. After looking and walking around in the museum, we went to the Theme park! We really had fun playing there, like in the arcade, we won and we exchanged soft toys. And bumper car! After having fun, some of my friends are sick. Fever and giddy. And one of my friend even lost a wallet! We went around and look for it. We couldn’t find it, and a kind lady found it in the bumper car area and passed back to us as we are running about looking for the wallet. Before that, we are already persuading him to forget it.

12:17 PM | back to top

On our 7th day, we headed to Dinosaur Valley. It was quite far. We got a tour of the place. The museums were filled with dinosaur bones. It was quite fascinating to see. After that, had a tour of another smaller museum. We saw a video, of how the Dinosaurs were killed million years ago. After that, we were given time, to play the rides. It was fun! The spinning rides, it made me dizzy at first. But after awhile I'm fine. On this day, it was quite sad. Some of my friends got sick. After all the rides, we head to dinner. The Muslim students went to a different restaurant than the Chinese students. After that, we head back to our hotel, did some appriciations, and called it a day. This day, we had to pack everything, since we're leaving the next day.

11:18 AM | back to top


Enjoy! (:
